
“Balance ball”
Balance ball is very big ball. Because only to ride on it, very interesting. But balance ball is diffecult on my own balance. And we must bounce on balance ball. I think good thing, for fat people, for health. Conversely, average people are not very effect. However this movement is enjoy and interesting. When I challenged, I watching TV, so not burden.We can it watching TV, free time. I think kill two birds with one stone. However, be careful small children. Adult should better watch them. Be careful take care, let's enjoy exercise.
“Billy's Boot Camp”
Bill’s Boot Camp is very hard exercise. So this is very effective. Because too hard, many people give up exercising. In brief to accomplish, we have to have fairly spirit and grit. I think good exercise, but I can not too hard. Really, I did not hear successful acquaintance of mine. We are likely to make friends with muscular pai
“Banana diet”
Banana diet is only banana break fast. Banana is excellent diet food. Because it heavy food. But I think hard until adjust to the eating habit. Add to this, we difficult wake up, the brain not work, and hungry soon. I can not advise to students. But this way is very effective. Actually, succeed at diet of mine acquaintance, became lean. That is to say, this way motivation and maintenance. Both exercise and diet necessary of the side person resolution.

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