He famous movie director all over the world, and now too flourishing, make a lot of movies and commercial message. He make famous animation movie “Shrek”. This movie made for adult but enough enjoy children too. He first director and receive a prize Academy Award. And He made secondly work at 2004, thirdly work released at 2007.He think want to make everyone can laugh movie. This movie is picture book in the original. He made wonderful and funny movie.

Peter J
He made "The Load of the Rings", became famous worldwide. Filiming take place at
New Zealand. He good producer and playwright. He complete grand picture expression the movie. Load of the Rings is compose of the movie three parts. First The fellowship of the ring, Second The Two Towers, Third The Return of the King. All movies very beautiful pictures and powerful sound music. Fantastic creatures and ungly creatures are many appear. This movie is Academy Award eleven parts prize. Each movies are very long movie.