Japanese culture ~interesting and confuse~

★Three Questions★
1. Did you use many picture to your blog?
➪ No ・・・ 3
normal・・・ 2
2. What happend when you write your blog?
➪Nothing ・・・ 4
spelling mistake・・・ 1
3. How many times did you update your blog? / Frequency
➪seven ・・・ 5
/once a week, sometimes・・・ 2、3
♪Thank you for answering♪
♪Best 3 Blog ~in other class~♪
No.1 ⇒ Th1.1107 Squarepants.
This blog can easy look! Simple and many pisture using there. Word is small and large.I watch easy this sentence. This blog is written detail.
No.2⇒ Th3.036 Yab! og
I think this blog is interesting name. Colorful and pretty. Many picture
is very cute, and many sentence. Original and interesting.
No.3⇒ Th4.717 B.B.Lover
This blog's picture is very Big! And there is many written sentence. I
watch easy because Clearly sentence.
About NZ directors information
He famous movie director all over the world, and now too flourishing, make a lot of movies and commercial message. He make famous animation movie “Shrek”. This movie made for adult but enough enjoy children too. He first director and receive a prize Academy Award. And He made secondly work at 2004, thirdly work released at 2007.He think want to make everyone can laugh movie. This movie is picture book in the original. He made wonderful and funny movie.

Peter J
He made "The Load of the Rings", became famous worldwide. Filiming take place at
New Zealand. He good producer and playwright. He complete grand picture expression the movie. Load of the Rings is compose of the movie three parts. First The fellowship of the ring, Second The Two Towers, Third The Return of the King. All movies very beautiful pictures and powerful sound music. Fantastic creatures and ungly creatures are many appear. This movie is Academy Award eleven parts prize. Each movies are very long movie.
Autumn Festival ~Thanks Giving~

I introduce for "Thanks giving’s gifts” Gift is various for the present I introduce popular gift. First, about “Food” Food all appetizing, and all very pretty and individual. Maybe pleased almost people. Second, about “Baskets& Box” I think Baskets and Box is very gorgeous and interesting. Contents are fruits, sweets and wine, all mix, and so on. If pretty and funny baskets, we can use or decorate. Third, about “Doors” Because these doors are really funny and pretty, I want to decorate at my room or hall Fourth, about “Flower” Taking of flower, royal road of gift. But full of happy feelings. Flowers are pretty and beautiful and just watch become happy. Finally, about “others” This is everything OK. That person gives what they want to give. For example, dishes, wreath, and ornament and so on. I found Thanks Giving Day is vary happy to people!!


My favorite movie
Reacently, I wacthed a movie with my sister. It's "Gake no ueno ponyo".This is the newest movie of Ziburi. I think very very fun and very cute, but other people say "This movie is childish!!" Well, this story origin mermaid princess. Miyazaki Hayao drew handscript.He spent production drawing for a half and year. One day, Sousuke find like Sousuke very much. But Fuzimoto worry about ponyo take back her home. However, ponyo's hope live together all the time and ponyo lose mazic poweponyo and takeout .Ponyo is a human face fish but small and very cute! And ponyo becomes r become humen.This movie's music is very cute. Especially, theme sond scene very impressive. Girl's voice and Man's voice are mixed strange feelings, but I like this song. !!!! And this movie's dubber famous people, for example Nagashima Sigeo and Yamaguti Tomoko. Maybe most japanese know theme.
Home alone
This movie is very funny, laugh and impressive story. One Christmas, Kevin should have traveled

“Balance ball”
Balance ball is very big ball. Because only to ride on it, very interesting. But balance ball is diffecult on my own balance. And we must bounce on balance ball. I think good thing, for fat people, for health. Conversely, average people are not very effect. However this movement is enjoy and interesting. When I challenged, I watching TV, so not burden.We can it watching TV, free time. I think kill two birds with one stone. However, be careful small children. Adult should better watch them. Be careful take care, let's enjoy exercise.
“Billy's Boot Camp”
Bill’s Boot Camp is very hard exercise. So this is very effective. Because too hard, many people give up exercising. In brief to accomplish, we have to have fairly spirit and grit. I think good exercise, but I can not too hard. Really, I did not hear successful acquaintance of mine. We are likely to make friends with muscular pai
“Banana diet”
Banana diet is only banana break fast. Banana is excellent diet food. Because it heavy food. But I think hard until adjust to the eating habit. Add to this, we difficult wake up, the brain not work, and hungry soon. I can not advise to students. But this way is very effective. Actually, succeed at diet of mine acquaintance, became lean. That is to say, this way motivation and maintenance. Both exercise and diet necessary of the side person resolution.